Dear Reader:

Thank you very much for visiting my brand new webcomic. It has been a long awaited dream of mine to share my comedic works with the world, and I hope you are one of many to enjoy what I create. Publishing my story, “Uncle Sam,” is a labor of love nearly twenty years in the waiting, but I am happy to have the opportunity to bring it to life not only for my sake but yours – my guest’s – as well.

My expectations going forward may not include fame or fortune, but simply the chance to entertain those in need of a good laugh. I welcome you to join me as together we meet “Uncle Sam” and his family, and follow the twists and turns of their life. All I ask, in the beginning, is for your patience as I learn the ins and outs of authoring and self-publishing a webcomic.

Starting here, I aim to publish twice a week – Monday and Friday for the time being – however I will be sure to update whether that schedule changes and what to expect in the future.

With all this and much more in mind, I promise not to disappoint.

Let the story begin.
