As “Uncle Sam” wraps up its second exciting story line, it is important to reflect on the past year creating and sharing the witty adventures of Rad, Jason, Sam, and their family and friends. Making “Uncle Sam” is truly a labor of love, something I do out of sheer pleasure with no reward other than knowing that someone out there enjoys the zany stories popping out of my head and onto paper.

Keeping this comic going is not always easy, and requires serious commitment to make my deadlines while having enough additional story ready for publication for at least several more weeks. But each time I pick up a pencil, the ideas keep coming and the pictures all but draw themselves, with me as no more than a conduit for Sam and the gang to bring themselves to life.

In the one year since Uncle Sam popped up online, this endeavor has become a defining part of my life, and I am very excited to keep the story going for as long as possible. So, to sum it all up, thanks to all my followers for sticking with me and supporting me as this project continues to grow. I can promise you now, the stories are going to get crazier with time, so be prepared for some truly awesome – and a little insane – adventures waiting right around the corner.